Our film
explains what EMDR is, how researchers
believe it works, and who it can help
About the movie

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is one of the most revolutionary treatments in psychology in the last 30 years. Difficult to believe at first, yet backed up by concrete studies and peer reviewed research, EMDR is one of the top treatments in the world for those who suffer with trauma, including those suffering with PTSD.
This film brings in the world's leading voices on EMDR and also includes cases studies to show how EMDR can change lives. Most importantly, it explains what EMDR is, how therapists and clients use it, and what its results suggest about its potential to transform a world that has far too much suffering in it.
The film used to be able to be ordered on DVD but we have sold out of copies. It's only available via digital downloa.

Michael Burns, Ph.D.